Is WordPress the Best Option for SEO?

WordPress is the most popular CMS with 42.2% of websites on the Internet using it. Learn how to optimize your WordPress site for SEO.

Is WordPress the Best Option for SEO?

When customers ask us if WordPress is good for SEO, it's no surprise that WordPress sites tend to rank well on Google. It's the most popular CMS, with 42.2% of websites on the Internet using it. Optimized images can speed up page load time, improve user experience, and offer additional positioning opportunities. To make sure everything works and loads smoothly, you can check the speed of your site in Google's PageSpeed Insights.

Google Analytics metrics can indicate a good user experience, such as bounce rate, average time spent on a page, shopping cart abandonment, etc. With the tips provided in our previous blog, you can see that WordPress is a great option for SEO. Its open source nature and development have helped it become an SEO friendly website builder. You need an SEO plugin (not necessarily YOAST) to optimize a WordPress site.

WordPress offers many great plugins and themes to customize your site, more than any other competitor. Its prevalence has made it popular due to its inherent SEO features and extensibility. WordPress themes and plugins work together to make websites professional, easy to use and attractive. With a clean and fast theme, some plugins, and a little hard work to fix what needs to be fixed, there's nothing you can't do to optimize your WordPress site.

WordPress doesn't have built-in performance monitoring, but connecting to Google Analytics is quite simple. When creating a new post on WordPress, you need to compress the image before uploading it. Unfortunately, page builders can add a lot of code to your WordPress site and slow it down considerably.

Carlton Picchetti
Carlton Picchetti

Amateur web nerd. Award-winning pop culture enthusiast. Incurable twitter practitioner. Passionate music guru. Certified music advocate. Hardcore twitter trailblazer.

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